Order Status

Order being prepared : 

The order has been confirmed and we have already sent a confirmation email with the Order Number.

Order has shipped : 

As soon as the order is shipped from our warehouse, we will send you a confirmation email with the Tracking Number to track the delivery. It is possible to check the order status at any time by entering the Order Number in the Follow your Order page. Registered users can also find all information related to their orders in the My Account area.

Technical Help

Our website is best viewed with the latest versions of the major browsers. Make sure that you have installed the most updated versions of the browsers that you most frequently use. 

If you experience navigation problems, we suggest that you: 

Eliminate any Cookies and Temporary Files from your computer

-  Check that Javascript is enabled. 

If the problem persists, please contact us with the following details: 

-  Your operating system (Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc.) 

- Internet browser and version (Internet Explorer 10, Firefox, Safari,...)

- The URL that you were trying to access (for example,
